Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hair Question: Do You Use Growth Aids?

I get this question ALL THE TIME! The answer is...NO. I do not use growth aids in my hair care regimen. I must admit, I did try it (MN and Sulfur 8) very early in my hair care regimen for 2-3 weeks but I quickly became lazy with it and my hair smelt really bad because of it...Eeeww. So I ditched it.

I think that the BEST growth aid is making sure your SCALP IS ALWAYS CLEAN. Hair does grow, whether you want to believe it or not. A clean scalp is the best way to ensure your hair growth is not stunted, blocked, or inhibited in any way. With frequent Co-washing, Deep conditioning and Shampooing (with a Sulfate free shampoo), you will notice your hair growth taking off simply because there is nothing holding it back!

I just wanted to clear the air about this question. I guess many people think that hair can only grow fast if there is some growth aid product causing it. That is false where my hair regimen is concerned :-)



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