Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Juice Beauty

I am in love with a new skin product, that my sister recommended, by Juice Beauty. I have had problems with my skin for most of my life. My face has a combination of oily and dry skin. With that comes the pimples, dry skin and for me.... discoloration. I have tried so many products, but have had very little luck. So when my sister recommend that I try Juice Beauty's Blemish Clearing Serum, I was skeptical. So I gave it a try and actually saw my skin start to look softer and more even, within only two days of using it! I am sold...

So my main concern now, is seeing if it will actually keep working. There have been a few times when I will buy something, and it will work for the first few weeks and then I won't see any more progress. So only time will tell. I stopped by Sephora and picked up Juice Beauty 'Organics to Clear Skin Kit kit' that includes the blemish serum, a cleanser, a face scrub and lotion. I am excited to see how this goes, I will keep you all informed. The price of the serum is kind of expensive. If you just want to try the Blemish Serum, without making the commitment to buy it, stop by Sephora and ask for a free sample. Or you can also search online (ebay is one place) for better prices.


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