Monday, August 16, 2010

My other passion in life

Hello everyone,

I wanted to write a quick post about my second blog - Dreaming of a Baby.  My little biological clock is ticking away, and I really want to have a baby.  But getting pregnant has been difficult at this point in my life. I went to a fertility specialist, and he said that being 35 makes my chance of getting pregnant slimmer, but not impossible.  So I am like great! Let's go!  What ever we need to do... let's do it.  But any one with fertility issues, no that its not always that simple. So that's why I created this new blog. It is a way for me to express my joys, frustrations, questions and concerns with the whole process of trying to get pregnant.  And to talk about some cool things and resources that I find along the way. I have been told by my Doctor to hold off with trying to get  pregnant for about 4 to 5 months , and I tell you why on the blog.  If you are experience fertility issues now or in the past or know someone that is going through this, I would love for you all to check out my blog and share some stories. I also would love to hear from woman that are pregnant, new and old moms or adoptive moms.  This also includes any men that are also trying to start their own family.  I am happy to be able to start this new blog to talk about another part of my life that is very exciting and full possibilities.


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