Thursday, June 24, 2010

Naturalista Series™ Presents: Gabrielle Allen

What's your name and where are you from?

My name is Gabrielle Allen aka MsLizziA and I am from New Orleans,La.

Have you always been natural? If not, what inspired you to go natural? Did you transition? If so, for how long?

I was natural when I was a kid up until about age 8. My mom relaxed my hair much against my aunt's, who is my hairdresser, wishes. I wasn't really inspired to go natural the very first time. I was curious about how my hair would look with a texturizer so I grew my hair out with the purpose of getting a texturizer. I loved it but it became entirely too tedious to do so I just decided to put a relaxer over it which caused all of my hair to fall out. As soon as I got that relaxer, I hated my hair and I wanted the fullness back. The same month I put that relaxer in was the same month I decided that I would go natural and this time I would learn to take care of my hair. That's when I found Hairlista!

The first time i transitioned in 2008, I transitioned for a year. The second time I went natural I transitioned in Feb 2009 with braids for 4 months and then big chopped!

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What is your hair type?

My hair type is 3c/4a but I really try not to get caught up on hair types.

What do you love most about being natural?

I love the versatility, the fullness, the fact that I can straighten my hair without chemicals! I makes me different and it makes me standout from everyone else. New Orleans doesn't really have many women walking around with natural hair so I like that I can be different from everyone else.

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What are your hair goals for 2010?

My hair goals for 2010 are to get my ends healthier and to retain length so I can be APL in 2011.

Name a few challenges you are currently facing with your hair. Have you been doing anything different to overcome these challenges?

Currently the biggest problem I have been having with my hair is my ends. They have been taking me through it with everything from SSKs (single strand knots) to just being dry. I have started DCing by saturating my hair in my deep conditioner as if i were applying a relaxer and concentrating on my ends. I have also start protective styling more often.

What styles do you love to wear the most and why? How do you go about achieving this style?

I love braidouts because it's easy, it takes less time, and I adore the look. I do braidouts on wet hair, damp hair, dry hair, and blown out hair. Sometimes I ask my cousin to flat twist it for me and sometimes I just do individual braids on my own.

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List the products that you use and how you use them. What is your current hair regimen? share what works for you!

These are my staples:

Coconut oil - Great for DCs and leaves my hair soft
Olive Oil- Wonderful for detangling and pre-pooing
Crisco - Yes, Crisco because it's a great moisturizer and it is what i have been missing in my DCs
Roux Porosity Control - Love love love LOVE this stuff. My hair never used to retain moisture prior to discovering this.It literally saved my hair. I use it before or after I DC
Wheat Germ Oil - The ceramides boost my DCs like you wouldn't believe
Jamaican Black Castor Oil - I use this for my ends when I twist or braid my hair
Suave Coconut Conditioner and V05 Strawberries & Cream - My cowash conditioners
Aussie Moist Conditioner - My leave-in conditioner
LeKair Cholesterol - I make my own DC so this is the base of my deep conditioner
Oyin Burnt Sugar Pomade - Great for my edges
Qhemet Alma Heavy Cream - This is my daily moisturizer even though i don't use it everyday. I used it mostly for when i bun my hair.
Eco Styler - My staple gel

I have my edges in micro braids right now and the middle of my hair is in a sew-in so I am PSing right now. As of now I just basically moisturize my scalp. I can't really wash my hair with this in because it will make the hair a tangled mess.

My regular regimen is pretty simple:
Cowash 2x a week
DC once a week
Moisturize and seal 2x a week
Pre-poo and Clarify every 4 weeks
Trim whenever I feel its needed

What products do you use to achieve soft beautiful curl definition?

Sometimes I just use conditioner and sometimes I just use eco styler. The key for me defining my hair has been applying the products and shaking my head once im done to put them all back in place. This method works really well for me.

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How do you detangle your hair?

I saturate it in olive oil if its dry and detangle it from tip to root. If its wet, I just use conditioner and detangle in the same direction.

What product or technique would you say really helped your hair flourish?

I would say cowashing and has helped my hair flourish. The very 1st time I went natural, i remember always having issue with my hair being dry all the time so when I went natural the 2nd time, I started cowashing. Not only did my hair take off but it was actually moisturized!

Do you have any advice for other naturals?

Knowledge is power. Learn as much as you possibly can about products and how to care for your hair before you go run out and buy stuff. BE THROUGH . Just because someone markets a product as "made for naturals" doesn't mean it is. Know your ingredients, read reviews, and ask other naturals about their experience. Also, be patient with your hair and don't manipulate it so much. It will thank you for it later.

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Where on the web can we find more about you and your styles?

You can find me on my natural hair blog,, on twitter,, and on fotki, .
You can also find me on Hairlista, , and's forums.

Thank you Gabrielle Allen for sharing all that information with us!


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