Thursday, March 18, 2010

Totally Random....

Ok.... so I am so happy. It's funny how sometimes the smallest things can make you smile. I have been wearing the same broke down glasses for like 2 years now. Much longer than that! But the last 2 years have been the worst because my glasses were basically falling apart. I was working from home for a year or two, so my insurance was basically non-existent. But things have been better lately. So I finally took the plunge and brought 2 pairs of new glasses. What do you think? This is the first time I have ever gotten square frames, but I kind of like it. I am hoping that I have that sexy librarian look going on... lol.

Ok ok.... so I am a big nerd. But a cool nerd... right?!? Maybe even a little très nerdy chic?  He he.. one can only hope! Happy Thursday everyone.


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